Chapter History

Inspired by the camaraderie, solidarity, and influence of black women in Nashville, Tennessee, exemplified by the Epsilon Psi Chapter, Ra'Desha Williams from Nashville, Tennessee, embarked on a mission in the fall of 2018. Facing the obstacle of a dearth of networks for black business and professional women in Arizona, she reached out to the National Headquarters of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated. The endeavor gained traction when Director Pamela Paige endorsed the initiative on October 24, 2018, to commence the chartering process of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Guided by Dean Johnnie Lloyd's leadership, on November 11, 2019, Soror Ra'Desha Williams was welcomed into the Gamma Mu Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. as Arizona's pioneering member. The momentum continued when Soror Sheri Dozier joined the Gamma Mu Chapter on July 23, 2020, as the second member in the state. Collaborating, Sorors Dozier and Williams were appointed to the Membership Committee of the Gamma Mu Chapter on August 31, 2020, initiating efforts to establish the first chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated in Arizona.

Finally, on December 6, 2020, Soror Pamela Paige, the Regional Director of the Far Western Region (FWR), presided over the momentous Chartering Ceremony and Officer Installation for the Phoenix Metropolitan Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Breaking new ground, the Zeta Kappa Chapter achieved distinction as the first chapter to be chartered virtually. Undeterred by global adversities, twelve devoted women showcased their dedication to the sorority's progress and community outreach, laying the foundation for the inaugural chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. in Arizona.

Soror Pamela Paige


Zeta Kappa Charter Members


  • Fall 2020 — “The League of Extraordinary Women”

  • Fall 2021 — Lucky 6

  • Spring 2022 — Holy Grail

  • Fall 2022 — Paradigm Shift

  • Spring 2023 — Prime Jewelz

  • Fall 2024 — TBA